Friday, October 26, 2012

stuck in the bathrooom!

Have you ever had one of those days when you are stuck in the bathroom?  I'm talking the "D" work to keep it clean.  Well I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and yes it is a syndrome everyone.  I have these "bathroom" days quite frequently.  You are bound to your home, you dont dare leave even to run to the bank or post office down the street, because "D" will interrupt suddenly and you will have an accident.  Believe me I have had an accident before in my car and unbelievably at home (ran to the bathroom and didn't make it, only 15 ft away)
I know this isn't a pleasant subject matter, but this "syndrome" is controlling my life!  If I dare to venture out, I have to make sure I know where their bathroom is located.  I can probably tell you where half the bathrooms are located in Lees Summit at retail businesses.  I should have invested in Immodium D stock!
I am afraid to go out to eat with anyone for fear as soon as I am finished with my meal, the "D" will strike, only because it has happened to me before.
Also when you get a bout of "D", a tension headache immediately comes on, something to do with a nerve signal between your gut and your brain, really its true! Its called the leaky gut sydrome, ARGH, another syndrome!  SO NOT FAIR!
I do know from my past experience, my IBS is caused by stress mainly, not what I eat. My body does not handle any type of stress anymore, this is my body's way of boycotting stress I guess.  Hmmm.  Maybe I need to invest in Depends!  Gotta go, literally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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