Monday, December 3, 2012


I have been taking Ambien for 4 yrs and never had an episode of not remembering something I had done, until last week.
I dont know when it happened during the night, but I took out my recycle trash bin and mailed 2 letters under ambien induced sleepwalking.  The next morning when I went to throw away a plastic bottle, I noticed my recycle box gone, then I noticed the two letters on the table by my front door were gone!  At first I was very shaky and upset, as the day progressed I calmed down.  I contacted my two lawyers that I had sent the envelopes to, and asked them to let me know if they got the envelopes.  Well today I got emails from both, saying that the envelopes arrived.
Its a scary thing when you cant remember how things happen when you know you didnt do it, Im still taking the Ambien as I have a sleep disorder and dont get into REM sleep stage which is your restorative sleep.  I just hope this doesnt happen again!

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