Monday, November 5, 2012

My head is pounding!

I have daily headaches and it does control how I think, what I mentally and physically can do and my daily mood.  I have tried every medication known by my neuroligist as well as botox injections, physical therapy and massage.  It is something chronic I just have to live with.  I cant work anymore with these chronic headaches and it just sucks.  I cant plan to do anything because I dont know how bad my head will be hurting that day.
Sometimes its a tension headache, sometimes a migraine and lately I have been having nausea type migraines. (less pain but terrible nausea).  These headaches are one part of Fibromyalgia pain symptons that I suffer from.
 For those of you who say, take 2 aspirin and you will be fine, I say Bull Crap!  I have pain meds (prescription) that dont even work.  People that dont have headaches very often or hardly ever cannot fathom how bad I feel and why would I have to miss work, appts. events, etc.  That is so frustrating for me, people not understanding.  I would love to be one of those people who dont have headaches very frequently and actually have a life free if headaches.
So if someone you know says they have a bad headache, give them a break, be supportive no matter how hard it is for you to understand why they cant go anywhere or do anything.  Dont be judgemental!

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