Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Stress is what makes my fibro pain much more worse.  Today, my son who is 29 and living with me is the cause of extreme stress and pain for me.  He has lived with me for over 2 years and hasnt paid a dime he owes me over $1500 from bills/living expense I covered for him while he was out of work, his choice.  He left a good job of 4 yrs with the DHS before having a replacement job because he was "unhappy", waw, waw!  I told him jobs were hard to come by but did he listen, HELL NO.  Also the reason he had to move back in 2 yrs ago, he found out he had a daughter from a 2 yr relationship with a past girlfriend.  He couldn't afford to live on his own and pay child support, so I took out a personal loan in my name, $125 a month payment he swore he would pay me.  Big Mistake on my part. Well needless to say, I havent been getting the monthly payments for months. He owes $2200 left on this loan. Yet he is working again and says he can't have a "life" paying child support on what he makes if he has to pay me, HUH?  He complains about no food in the house, about the hot water, about the temp, and I could go on and on. He offers no help to me, picking up my meds, groceries, etc. I have very little income coming in $625 a month and am living on savings while I wait for my Social Security disability to be approved. The money will probably run out before I get my determination and 2 yrs of backpay.
Tonite he said, I cant believe you will never have to work again, WHAT!   Do I like being disabled with fibromyalgia pain, daily headaches, depression, anxiety, IBS and terrible fatigue. NO, I wish I could work.  I am sick to death of arguing with him, it just makes my pain worse. 
I could never treat my Mom with this lack of respect ever.  He hasnt even seen his grandma for over 4 mths, she moved 5 minutes away from us to a retirement apt and he cant make the time to see her. I pick up his daughter every other Friday nite since he is at work and I take care of her on the weekend while he has to work from 2-10pm, then I return her Sunday nite to her Mom.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.  I really want to kick him out, but as a Mom it is very hard to do this to your only child.  Plus I dont want my granddaughter to be in an environment that may be not good, depending where he would end up. He would have to find a friend to take him in, or if his Dad would let him move in that would be his other choice, but I dont see that happening.
I am just about done with this crap. I am out almost $3700 total.  I need that money to live on.
What to do?   How do you kick out your only child that you love but just cant keep arguing with him to show him that what he is doing is disrespectul and hurtful and self-centered.? Its a losing battle with him.  Please God, give me strength to overcome this and do the right thing!

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